At ASK4CARE SUPPORT SERVICES INC. Our Foot Care treatment includes a relaxing foot soak, a full foot assessment, trimming and filing of the toenails and a moisturizing foot rub by a nurse certified in Advanced Foot Care. Your Foot Care nurse will bring all the necessary equipment with her to your home; all you will need is a comfortable place to sit. Our Certified Foot Care Nurse is experienced in the removal of ingrown toenails, calluses and corns as well as treatment of fungal nails.
Calluses (wiki)
Our Foot Care treatment includes a relaxing foot soak, a full foot assessment and referral if necessary, trimming and filing of the toenails and a moisturizing foot rub. Our Certified Foot Care Nurse is experienced at the removal of ingrown toenails, calluses and corns as well as treatment of fungal nails. If you are experiencing any common or uncommon foot problems, call today to set up your appointment!
Corns (wiki)
When a callus develops a mass of dead cells in its center, it becomes a corn (heloma). Corns generally occur on the toes and balls of the feet. Calluses occur on the feet, hands, and any other part of the skin where friction is present. Corns, although very small, can be very painful. Removal of a corn should be performed by a professional in order to reduce the risk of infection and injury to the foot. Melody is a trained Certified Foot Care Nurse who can assist you to remove your corns and help you on your way to a pain-free life!
Fungal Nails (wiki)
No one knows where a specific person picks up the fungus that leads to fungal nails, as it is everywhere! However, since the fungus does thrive in warm, moist areas (like sweaty feet) there are certain areas one should avoid or use with caution. Shower floors, locker rooms, and swimming pools are the most commonly suspected sources. Nail polish and acrylic nails also make nails less “breatheable” and make the nail more susceptible to fungal infection. Fungi are everywhere – in the air, in the dust, and the soil! Avoiding tight, non-breathing shoes and steering clear of athletic floors may be the best prevention available. Daily washing of the feet and drying between the toes can also help to prevent nail fungus.
Once you have contracted a fungal infection on any of your toenails, it can be very difficult to get rid of and it also makes taking care of your toenails very difficult. A Certified Foot Care Nurse can assist you in reducing nail fungus as well as provide helpful tips to treat it.
Diabetic Foot Care
Individuals with Diabetes often have trouble with their feet. This is in part due to the loss of feeling in the feet that makes it difficult to tell if there is a blister or sore present. If these wounds on the feet are not taken care of, they can develop into ulcers. Left unattended, ulcers become infected and in some cases result in amputation. This is why it is so important for persons with Diabetes to have regular foot care performed by a professional.
- Wash your feet every day with lukewarm (not hot) water and mild soap.
- Dry your feet well, especially between the toes. Use a soft towel and pat gently; don’t rub.
- Keep the skin of your feet smooth by applying a cream or lanolin lotion, especially on the heels. If the skin is cracked, talk to your doctor about how to treat it.
- Keep your feet dry by dusting them with non-medicated powder before putting on shoes, socks or stockings.
- Check your feet every day. You may need a mirror to look at the bottoms of your feet. Call your doctor if you have redness, swelling, pain that doesn’t go away, numbness or tingling in any part of your foot.
- Don’t treat calluses, corns or bunions without talking to your doctor first.
- Cut toenails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails. It might help to soak your toenails in warm water to soften them before you cut them. File the edges of your toenails carefully.
- Don’t let your feet get too hot or too cold.
- Don’t go barefoot.
Ingrown Toenails
Often, as we age, several inconvenient things happen which affect our ability to trim our own toenails. Poor eyesight, limited mobility or flexibility are just a few of the challenges that many of our clients face. Therefore, a very common service we offer is the trimming and filing of toenails, and fingernails on request. Relax with a warm foot bath and allow our Certified Foot Care Nurse to tend to your toenails.
Common and Uncommon Foot Problems
Our feet are our foundation of living. Unfortunately, we often forget to take good care of our feet. Whether you have Diabetes, fungal nails, ingrown toenails, calluses or corns, our Certified Foot Care Nurse will be able to assist you and bring you some relief.