Importance Of Assisted Living


Are you worried that your parents are getting old and are unable to manage daily life activities on their own? Or Are you apprehensive about their deteriorating health condition? As a result, you may often find yourself searching about Assisted Living Near Me. Do not worry anymore as we are here to unfold the assisted living concept for you. We will offer you plenty of useful options in response to the query of “Assisted living near me.” Stay hooked and find out about assisted living in Toronto, as well as various pros and cons of assisted living for seniors. 

What is Assisted Living?

The concept of assisted living was proposed nearly three decades ago. The primary purpose was to facilitate elderly or physically disabled people who find it difficult to independently manage their lives. It is a prominent example of a shift from “care as service” to “care as a business.” 

Assisted Living

Assisted living in Toronto is more of a home-like facility where people are provided with a primary focus on personal assistance while ensuring their autonomy and independence. Personalized care, active lifestyle, social interactions, and individual grooming of a person are catered in assisted living for seniors. The functional and managerial setting is quite similar to a retirement home where there can be separate rooms, quarters, or apartments.

Assisted Living VS Nursing Homes

Assisted living is considerably different from nursing homes. In nursing homes, there are offered 24-hour medical care to people battling with chronic medical conditions such as Osteoporosis, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s, etc. People are assisted with nursing care, monitoring, toileting, emergency services, and others to efficiently manage their daily life and health profile. On the other hand, assisted living is proposed for aged individuals who are not afflicted by any serious medical condition. It is an effort to facilitate their daily chores, and encourage independent living while eliminating the burden of performing cooking, cleaning, or doing groceries. Physically ill people who need long-term medical care are not fit for assisted living. They can be catered well through advanced care offered by nursing homes. 

What is the advantage of Assisted Living?

The assisted living for seniors varies from culture to culture thus introducing diversity in offered facilities. There are often different services offered to cater to the diverse nature of communities and nationalities. For instance, there are Asian senior living communities in California to facilitate the Chinese community in American cities. Moreover, there are facilities in Florida to serve Jewish communities. There is a pressing demand for growing LGBTQ residents in America to introduce customized facilities for them. Hence, there cannot be defined as a particular criterion of assisted living for seniors. However, some core areas are covered in assisted living for seniors. These include:

– Customized nutrition and meal plans

– Health monitoring

– Personal care

– Housekeeping

– Emergency care

– Social Interactions

– Personalized Care

In recent years, there have been seen efforts by assisted living homes to alleviate the emotional stress of people by allowing pets with them. This practice not only lowers stress but also instill a sense of self-worth. 

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