Make Seniors a part of your Family!

Make Seniors a part of your Family

One of the biggest challenges that is faced by the senior population is that of loneliness. Many seniors across the country turn to long-term care facilities to meet for their care. As many as 1.4 mil...

Financial Planning and Support for Aging Population

Financial Planning and Support for Aging Population

As the population ages, there might come a time where you presume that providing financial support to your elderly parents will become obligatory and you will need to be step in and assist with their ...

Aging Gracefully and Independently

Aging Gracefully and Independently

What does age gracefully mean?   Aging is a natural process however “aging gracefully” is often used as a euphemism for many reasons. Aging gracefully isn’t about looking like a twenty-some...

Reversing Diabetes – A Case Study: Part 1

Reversing Diabetes – A Case Study Part 1

Being diagnose with Diabetes in middle age may see your life spiral out of control. It may lead to depression, anxiety, multiple mood disorders not to mention dietary restrictions. That you have never...